So this is my final product that I ended up with. The theme was wings with no color. I like how it turned out, especially the colored parts. I definitely learned how to use new techniques in photoshop and I'm happy with what I achieved for being a beginner.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Wings With No Color
So this is my final product that I ended up with. The theme was wings with no color. I like how it turned out, especially the colored parts. I definitely learned how to use new techniques in photoshop and I'm happy with what I achieved for being a beginner.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
At the moment
This is what I'm going to use for the feathers, just need a person, maybe. And once I have an image I'll add a little more black and white light effects or something, like sparkles.
Reflection from Last Time aka Tuesday
I think I like this one better, so probably going to use it instead of the squiggly lines one.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Theme II - Goal II
I didn't take any pictures over the weekend, however I'm going to play around with some light effects and find one that will enhance the idea of the feathers.
Friday, May 4, 2012
I have the feathers placed how I want them and I'm almost done coloring them to make it look like the color is moving away off the screen leaving everything else black and white. I'll take pictures this weekend and hopefully end up with something I like so I can add the person etc.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Some Photshop Tutorials...
Theme II - Weekly Goal
This week I hope to start my theme, however seeing as I can't find a sufficient model on the internet that could be a problem. So might have to take pictures this weekend which would put me behind. In the meantime I'm going to experiment with lighting techniques etc. by looking at some tutorials. I'll see what I can do.
Theme II Inspiration/Idea
Artist: Najeeb Jajjar Title:Supernatural
I like this piece because it really reminds me of what fantasia looks like in my head. I also like the glow effects and lighting that really brings this piece all together. I really want to try to incorporate new photoshop skills into this piece, especially lighting and abstract effects.
I'm not really sure if this is a piece of artwork or a photograph of colored feathers. But I want to incorporate colored feathers in my piece and have them as individual feathers. This also shows what I want to do with my no color idea.
Artist: Pule Mathonsi Title: Angel
I really like this photoshop manipulation. It has subtle lighting and glow affects. It also shows how I want to incorporate the no color theme, by having the main parts black and white and then have the color slowly increasing in intensity as the feathers get farther and farther away from the person, as if the person is losing color.
Artist: Herry Ye Title: Wings For Anywork
Not really sure how these abstract wings apply to my idea, I just thought they were cool, and I think they're used for some sort of advertising campaign. However I could possibly make a vector type thing similar to this and then use that as the remnants of wings on the person...
Artist: Soren Bechira Title: Egret
I like the photoshop abstract effects that were added along with the other glow and lighting effects. I also like how the egrets body and wings were compiled from individual feathers making the egret in itself an abstract thing.
I don't think I'm really going to use the fantasia idea, just use the lighting ideas from it. So my official theme is wings with no color. I hope it turns out how I'm envisioning it in my head, although I haven't found any pictures of people in the right pose I'm looking for, so may have to do that myself, thus incorporating some photography.
I like this piece because it really reminds me of what fantasia looks like in my head. I also like the glow effects and lighting that really brings this piece all together. I really want to try to incorporate new photoshop skills into this piece, especially lighting and abstract effects.
I'm not really sure if this is a piece of artwork or a photograph of colored feathers. But I want to incorporate colored feathers in my piece and have them as individual feathers. This also shows what I want to do with my no color idea.
Artist: Pule Mathonsi Title: Angel
I really like this photoshop manipulation. It has subtle lighting and glow affects. It also shows how I want to incorporate the no color theme, by having the main parts black and white and then have the color slowly increasing in intensity as the feathers get farther and farther away from the person, as if the person is losing color.
Artist: Herry Ye Title: Wings For Anywork
Not really sure how these abstract wings apply to my idea, I just thought they were cool, and I think they're used for some sort of advertising campaign. However I could possibly make a vector type thing similar to this and then use that as the remnants of wings on the person...
Artist: Soren Bechira Title: Egret
I like the photoshop abstract effects that were added along with the other glow and lighting effects. I also like how the egrets body and wings were compiled from individual feathers making the egret in itself an abstract thing.
I don't think I'm really going to use the fantasia idea, just use the lighting ideas from it. So my official theme is wings with no color. I hope it turns out how I'm envisioning it in my head, although I haven't found any pictures of people in the right pose I'm looking for, so may have to do that myself, thus incorporating some photography.
Theme II Proposal
For my second theme project I want to do the theme "wings" for sure. I also am thinking about combining the wings theme with either "fantasia" or "no color". I want to have a girl sitting down and reaching out to something off in the distance. I will then have feathers blowing away from her and she will have the remnants of wings. If I add the fantasia idea then I will have some animals and whimsical objects interspersed with the feathers, along with some lighting. If I go with the no color idea then I will have the girl be black and white along with the feathers closest to her. The other feathers will slowly have color the farther away from the girl they are, as if the color is bleeding out and disappearing.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Goal and Relfection
My goal for this week was to finish my lace theme project. Thankfully I did finish it so I can move on to my next project. I guess it embodies the lace theme although not really sure if I successfully portrayed that theme. I guess I'm happy with it seeing as it was just a quick photo manipulation thing.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Theme I Inspiration and Idea
The lace doesn't play as important of a role in this piece, however I like how the trees and color of the background almost seem like a form of lace that ties in with the actual lace that was added onto the girl.
Artist: Fabrizio Panattoni
Again I like the lace overlay and the elegance and simpleness that it adds, along with the added innocence and mystery.
This is more of what I'm thinking of doing, although with more layers and more mystery. I like the idea of having a lace overlay over a face and other objects that have their opacity turned down.
Artist: Danae Cuesta
This is what I would consider lace in reality, although it is still a piece of art. I like the colors, simpleness, and elegance.
Artist: Eleny Eksterman
I think I want to combine various layers of lace and lace overlay, along with possibly some trees, and add a slight sepia tint to the overall picture. I also definitely want a face or a person or something as the main focal point with the lace.
Theme Project I
I have a few themes that I like and hopefully can successfully complete a few of theme. For the first one I have decided to do "lace". I think I'll portray it in the more literal sense of itself by using actual lace pictures etc unless I come up with a deeper meaning to communicate although I feel that might get a little complicated for two weeks.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Final Project!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Weekly Reflection/Goal
I forgot to make a goal for this week, although if I had it would have been to get as much done as possible since the project is due next Thursday. I got a decent amount done all I have left is details on the horse and the background design and any other details that I might have missed.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Weekly Goal
My goal for this week is to get as much done as physically possible, I might come in at lunch to work on it just to hopefully meet the deadline.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Weekly Reflection
Monday, March 12, 2012
Weekly Goal
I have my picture scanned in, but the one I was working on got deleted by illustrator or something. Thankfully I wasn't very far on it. So before the deadline I basically just need to finish all of the coloring and manipulating of the drawing.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Week 6 Goals
I want to finish the logo today. Over the weekend I finished the background design on my drawing so it should be ready to scan and start coloring and manipulating it.
Week 5 Reflection
I'm working on refining the boy's soccer logo. However I was gone on Friday for state skiing so hopefully I'll finish the logo on Tuesday.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Week 5 Goal
I started on the background design over the weekend and hope to have it done either tonight or tomorrow night. It will then be ready for scanning and coloring etc. I'll have to postpone it a day or two though since I'm doing the boy's soccer logo.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Week 4 Reflection
I finished the cathedral and only have a little more work to do on my snow leopard. I've decided to add some flowers and smaller animals in the larger gaps and will then start on some sort of leaf or abstract flowing design to finish it off.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Week 4 Goal
Finish the Cologne Cathedral and add a couple more larger elements. See if I want to add smaller things interspersed between the other elements. Look at vine and leaf drawings.
Week 3 Reflection
I finished the tiger and started on the Cologne Cathedral. Experimented with some abstract vine drawings but haven't found one that I like.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Week 3 Goals
Work on my final drawing. Add more detail. Figure out how I want to do the vines/leaves etc, or if I want to create a non-intrusive abstract design.
Week 2 Reflection
I didn't finish the first drawing like I had hoped, but I started on the final drawing instead so that I can get the drawing scanned into Illustrator sooner.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
January - Sketch out a couple ideas. Then begin drawing the project. Look up some tablet tutorials etc.
February - Finish drawing the project and prepare to scan. Decide if I want to color everything or if I want to add abstract "paint strokes". Start coloring.
March - Keep coloring. Add or subtract things. Start to finalize.
April - Color and finalize.
February - Finish drawing the project and prepare to scan. Decide if I want to color everything or if I want to add abstract "paint strokes". Start coloring.
March - Keep coloring. Add or subtract things. Start to finalize.
April - Color and finalize.
Rough Idea II
To further my original idea, I still want to have some sort of collage type doodle drawing with a lot of detail, as well as details that aren't seen so much at first glance. I want to create something along the lines of my artistic analysis, the only difference being that I will be drawing it by hand and then painting/coloring/shadowing with a tablet. I was thinking about having the focal point being a face or eyes of a person, and then having a variety of different animals hidden in foliage that is surrounding the face/eyes. That or a more abstract doodle with objects within it.
Art Analysis
This piece is titled "Human Inertia" and was created by the artist Martin Grohs. The montage/digital painting is very vibrant and deep, thanks to his use of rich pure colors. The smoke like yellow adds movement and the idea of life being created. The bird that at first isn't noticed adds an element of surprise that makes one wonder at what else may be hidden within the photo, literally or figuratively. The horse that is part of the "tree" once again shows that things may not always be as they seem. While the person would be considered the focal point of the piece giving the title its inspiration. The drought ridden ground also influences the art showing that from humble beginnings, amazing things can flourish. When looking at the piece from a more critical artistic standpoint the colors, objects, and abstract elements are what really make up the art. The blending hues of all the colors, as well as the deeper shadows of them portray a darkness, a feeling of the unknown. While the lighter colors, the yellows and golds, show the life that is being created and thirsting to keep growing. Each object or element plays a key role in this piece, "Human Inertia", the bird is like an observer that isn't really affected by the human, just an outside force that is present to oversee what is there. The horse could be considered to portray any number of things, like the fact that humans consider themselves to be at the top of the "food chain", but through their greed they are overtaking everything that is below them and destroying it. The lighting is another element that shows how the human is slowly becoming more and more powerful and forgetting about their more humble origins. As a whole the piece represents the greed of man, his need to become more and more powerful with each passing moment, forgetting about the more basic things of life that are slowly being destroyed thanks to his overwhelming inertia. The mood is very deep, in the sense of an eternal struggle, powerful, never ending, a moment in time that takes your breath away at the realization. I really like this piece due to its flow of color and hidden message that at first can't be seen, but grows in your mind, just like the tree within the piece. It is almost fairytale like in its story, but very literally in its meaning. I also like how different objects are incorporated into others that normally wouldn't go together, like a collage. For my project I want to create something with a lot of hidden details, like an intricate collage, as well as something with an abstract feel to it. I want to create something that is dark and moody, but with a dash of light to show a balance between those things.
Inspirational Images
Monday, January 9, 2012
Rough Idea
I'm thinking that I would like to draw a hand drawn picture and then use a tablet to color it, as well as to create different layers per say. I was thinking of doing a collage type thing with various objects and possibly different art styles from around the world. That or an illusion drawing.
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