Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 6 Goals

I want to finish the logo today. Over the weekend I finished the background design on my drawing so it should be ready to scan and start coloring and manipulating it.

Week 5 Reflection

I'm working on refining the boy's soccer logo. However I was gone on Friday for state skiing so hopefully I'll finish the logo on Tuesday.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 5 Goal

I started on the background design over the weekend and hope to have it done either tonight or tomorrow night. It will then be ready for scanning and coloring etc. I'll have to postpone it a day or two though since I'm doing the boy's soccer logo.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 4 Reflection

I finished the cathedral and only have a little more work to do on my snow leopard. I've decided to add some flowers and smaller animals in the larger gaps and will then start on some sort of leaf or abstract flowing design to finish it off.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 4 Goal

Finish the Cologne Cathedral and add a couple more larger elements. See if I want to add smaller things interspersed between the other elements. Look at vine and leaf drawings.

Week 3 Reflection

I finished the tiger and started on the Cologne Cathedral. Experimented with some abstract vine drawings but haven't found one that I like.